Hello everyone, Kieran 'Mukea' Miller here again and today I am bringing you information about some card changes that will be coming to Hearthstone. Nat Pagle and Tinkmaster Overspark are two cards that are incredibly RNG based and can either win or lose you a game based on the outcome. Both cards are currently heavily used in high end gameplay and I will explain the changes that are coming to these cards.
Nat Pagle can either be amazing early game card draw, or it can do nothing and just sit there. The card text now reads "At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card". This means that you can't get instant value with him, and your opponent has more time to deal with him. This means that I think people will start to drop Nat Pagle for things such as Loot Hoarders which guarantee card draw and get you a useful minion on the field.
Tinkmaster Overspark has been used in pretty much every deck along with Nat Pagle. It is an incredibly powerful neutral card that can completely neutralise massive threats. If used on an enemy Ragnaros The Firelord or Tirion Fordring, worst case scenario is they will be left with a plain old 5/5 and best case scenario they would be left with a 1/1. It could also be used on your own minions in order to try and get a 5/5 yourself but using it defensively is a much better option. The changes that have been made to this card are that it is now a 3/3 up from a 2/2 and its card text now reads "Battlecry: Transform another random minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel". This means that he is now another gimmicky Gnome card and will not be used in any kind of competitive deck.
I think these changes are much needed as it gives people more time to deal with the card draw from Nat Pagle, and now my bigger minions have more chance of surviving and not just being turned into a Squirrel! Anyway, until next time, goodbye from me.
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