Monday 27 January 2014

The Dissection of a Brackern - The Nitty Gritty - Part 2

After a quick overview of the rework, it is now into the nitty gritty comparisons.

Looking at the changes, the biggest ones are evidently Q and E, and Fracture [E] will be the main focus for this comparison between many other junglers and Skarner himself.

The closest comparison to be made with Skarner's new Fracture [E] is Olaf's Undertow [Q].  

[E] Fracture - RANGE: 1000 - COOLDOWN: 14 - COST: 40/45/50/55/60 MANA
MAGIC DAMAGE: 80/120/160/200/240(+70% AP)
Enemies hit are slowed by 30/35/40/45/50 for 2.5 seconds.

[Q] Undertow - RANGE: 400-1000 - COOLDOWN: 8 (3.5) - COST: 60 MANA
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 70/115/160/205/250(+100% BONUS AD)  
Enemies hit are slowed by 29/33/37/41/45% for 1.5-2.5 seconds depending on distance travelled by the axe.  

Both are line skill shots which have a 1000 Range (up to for Olaf), travel at 1600 Missile Speed, a ~60 Missile Width (don't know Olaf's actual) and pass through units.
The slow % for both these skills is almost identical, differing 1/2/3/4/5% over the ranks and the slow duration being a flat 2.5 seconds for Skarner and 1.5-2.5 seconds for Olaf depending on the distance travelled by the axe.  
Damage is also exceedingly similar with a difference only ranging between +- 10 Damage, differing by Skarner dealing Magic Damage with AP Scaling and Olaf dealing Physical Damage with AD Scaling.
Now comes the biggest difference, the Cooldown. Skarner's new [E] has a flat cooldown of 14 seconds. Meanwhile, Olaf has a flat 8 second cooldown on his [Q] which is then reduced by 4.5 seconds if he picks up the thrown axe.
This allows Olaf to much more consistently and constantly slow/chase a target he has landed axes on as well as deal significant damage with a good margin for error when missing an axe or two.

Skarner relies on landing the slow and then chasing onto his target with the sprint from Crystalline Exoskeleton [W] before being able to start dealing meaningful damage and reduce his cooldowns, otherwise the target will be long gone before [E] is ready for use again.
The emphasis on hitting the slow on Skarner and exceedingly small margin of error greatly decreases Skarner's effectiveness in the early game and therefore it can be argued he should farm until he reaches 6 to capitalise on his Ultimate. 
However, both Olaf and Skarner are fast clearing, mana hungry junglers with Olaf arguably quicker whilst having a much more significant early-mid game presence from the jungle. This makes it hard for Skarner to keep up if he just decides to farm, and gank pressure across the map is also lowered in comparison.

This is predominantly due to the difference between how the slows work.

So let's look at these other jungling champions with parts of their mechanics similar to those of Skarner and his current changes:

Xin Zhao:
[E] Audacious Charge - RANGE: 600 (+-112.5) - COOLDOWN: 14/13/12/11/10 - COST: 60 MANA 
MAGIC DAMAGE: 70/105/140/175/210(+60% AP)  
Enemies caught within a 112.5 radius of the target including the target are slowed by 25/30/35/40/45%.  

[E] Blades of Torment - RANGE: 1000 - COOLDOWN: 12/11/10/9/8 - COST: 5% CURRENT HEALTH
MAGIC DAMAGE: 75/110/145/180/215(+60% AP)(+60% BONUS AD)  
Enemies hit are slowed by 40% for 1.75/2/2.25/2.5/2.75 seconds.

Dr. Mundo:  
[Q] Infected Cleaver - RANGE: 1000 - COOLDOWN: 4 - COST: 50/60/70/80/90 HEALTH
MAGIC DAMAGE MINIMUM: 80/130/180/230/280 - MAXIMUM: 15/18/21/23/25% target's current health
Enemies hit are slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.

[Q] Stretching Strike - RANGE: 550 - COOLDOWN: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 - COST: 4% CURRENT HEALTH
MAGIC DAMAGE: 70/110/150/190/230(+50% AP)
Enemies hit are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds.


[E] Pillar of Ice - RANGE: 1000 - COOLDOWN: 23/20/17/14/11 - COST: 60 MANA
Enemies within 187.5 RANGE of the Pillar's center are slowed by 25/30/35/40/45%.  
The Pillar lasts for 6 seconds.

[E] Bola Strike - RANGE: 575 - COOLDOWN: 12/11/10/9/8 - GENERATES 1 FEROCITY
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 60/105/150/195/240(+70% BONUS AD)  
Target is slowed for 50/55/60/65/70% decaying over 2.5 seconds.
Empowered Bola Strike changes this to a 1 second root and then a slow for 50/55/60/65/70% decaying over 1.5 seconds after the root ends.


For Phreak's Sake!

[Q] Glitterlance - RANGE: 925 (+650) - COOLDOWN: 7 - COST: 60/65/70/75/80 MANA
MAGIC DAMAGE: 80/125/170/215/260(+50% AP)  
Enemies hit are slowed by 80% decaying over 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds. The slow decays to 0% (+13.3% per 100 AP).

Xin Zhao: Simple to use champion with a slow and cooldown reduction mechanic similar to Skarner.
His cooldown reduction is limited to 3 seconds and the cooldown of Three Talon Strike [Q], HOWEVER, his Audacious Charge [E] isn't a skill shot and instantly closes the gap to the target, though it has a much shorter range, a 5% weaker slow at all ranks and lower base damage than Fracture.
The biggest difference here is that Xin is instantly able to land basic attacks on his target once [E] has been cast, enabling the cooldown reduction and a hard 1 second knockup to be applied much more easily.
Although a slower jungler, Xin is a lot less mana dependant and has one of the strongest early games in terms of ganking.

Aatrox: Another line skillshot slow that passes through units.
Blades of Torment [E] has a triangular shape to it and what appears to be a slower Missile Speed, making it harder to hit successfully.
Though harder to land, Aatrox can capitalise on hitting his slow due to a gap closer that can also act as a 1 second knockup similar to Xin Zhao, thanks to Dark Flight [Q].
Another jungler who may be a little slower than Skarner but more than makes up for it with an exceptionally strong early game.

Dr. Mundo: Not as easy to land slow but much more forgiving and deadly.
The cleavers/briefcases/axes may not have the ability to travel through minions but Infected Cleaver [Q] travels much faster than Aatrox, Skarner and Olaf slows making it harder to dodge.
It also deals significant damage by being calculated from a % of the target's current health with a high minimum damage value.
The 4 second cooldown is brutal for the intended target as it soon becomes a barrage only rivalled by Olaf consistently retrieving his axes.
An incredibly quick jungler that doesn't use mana and an early presence rivalling that of Olaf's in terms of consistent gank deadliness.

Zac: A short ranged line skillshot that passes through units. 
The range is a big weakness for Zac compared to Skarner, Olaf and Aatrox, however it is made easier to hit with a wider hitbox and an incredible gap closer in Elastic Slingshot [E] which can also knock back targets hit for 0.5 seconds.
The slow % is not as strong and has a higher cooldown than average, making it a relatively weak ganking tool, relying on [E] for creative surprise ganks.
A well sustained jungler with a decent clear speed and no mana, his merit is the ability to create ganks from extreme distances, catching opponents unaware, especially early.


Trundle: Incredible Utility on offer that can capitalise on the smallest mispositioning.
Pillar of Ice [E] is possibly one of the best forms of CC in the whole game. A slow on par with many of previously mentioned junglers, path blocker and displacement tool all wrapped into one spell that instantly appears under your chosen target area at a range of 1000.
It's biggest downside being the high cooldown, but once Trundle closes in on his target, Chomp [Q] also provides a slow albeit for 0.1 seconds, but at 75% it is enough to keep them in range for follow up.
Downside of this is the lack of damage on the Pillar of Ice compared to all the other slows, but the utility makes up for it.
A relatively quick and well sustained jungler with incredible duelling potential early with a strong early presence.

Rengar: A terror not often used in the jungle, but is surprisingly easy to use. Made for lane ganking. 
Rengar's passive is incredibly powerful against anyone that may stray too close to any bushes especially when chasing.
The low range on Bola Strike [E] requires a sneak approach for effectiveness but it is targeted and has a brutal slow % offset by the fact it decays over the duration.
Empowering allows for 2 bolas to be used in quick succession, with one having a 1 second root making it extremely powerful.
A slow jungler which finds it hard to sustain and is much squishier than counterparts but can have very powerful ganks, requires substantial setup, ferocity management and knowledge for early game aggression.


Lulu: Great utility as you would expect from a support orientated champion and ranged to boot. Also Phreak approved and fun.
The range is a great advantage and allows for a more extended window of damage.
Glitterlance [Q] may have a shorter range than Skarner, Aatrox and Olaf slows, but this can be remedied with good usage of Help, Pix! [E] changing the position of where it is fired.
The slow is incredible, and although it decays, the initial % is usually enough.
Damage is on par with other slows mentioned and gives great chase potential.
A risky jungler that is mana hungry and squishy, but is a surprising early game threat.

Going through this list of Junglers, all of them with the exception of Zac max their slow skill first to maximize their effectiveness in a gank during their most influential time of the game.
Perhaps this is the new direction that Skarner should take over the old Q max? 
The biggest problem for Skarner is going to be the flat 14 second cooldown, even Xin Zhao with a similar cooldown reduction mechanic (which is easier to apply during a gank) has his slow's cooldown reduced by ranking it up.

Next I will be looking at Skarner's defining feature - His Sting.

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